Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Um, oops...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Making a Comeback! ~ The "Real Me"

Hello, everyone. Do you remember me? Probably not, but I might as well reintroduce myself as my feelings towards people and surroundings have all changed. I'm tired of trying to please people, I want to do things off my own will now. And, that starts by updating my blog! Well.. maybe not this one in particular, but I do have a blog I want to update on my own free will.
So, I recently got an Ameba & a LiveJournal to update whenever I have the time. I even have a Facebook now, which I really only get onto talk to my friends from Indonesia, or the Philippines. I'm still angry at my 'father,' to the point where I have grudges and hate locked up into my heart. Four years of this, huh..?
That's not the point though! I should really update my life before anything else! Guess what? I'm becoming a Freshman starting this August. That's right, I'll be in Ninth grade as I update my blog through school life. I'll be taking Pre-AP classes (all subjects), and have a bunch of Photojournalism and Journalism to go into once I'm done with those classes. I'm studying Japanese now, well.. still. I haven't been able to go into my actual book that helps me, but now I'm able to go in whenever I choose to. I obtained Persona 4 for Easter, and now I am playing that game as well. I've been trying to become a Hardcore Role-player, but I've been having trouble with keeping up on all of them such as Gaia Online (I wish people would stop inviting me to so many RPs... I'm a gamer as well, so I don't only write Fan-Fiction in my spare time...).
So, the only game I'm currently playing right now as my Laptop is still down would be a Private Server of LaTale: GPLaTale. Not only do I stack up my training times with Japanese and Artsy things, I must also share my spare time with my friends. However, Role-playing seems to be taking my time off of what I want to do. I think I'm just gonna start logging off of MSN to get away from Roleplaying, it's what my friends wanna do 24-7, and I really wanna do something else for a change!
Now blogging, I never said I would continue to post here did I? I'm going to be fixing up the links of what I have so far, and I will be only updating Ameba and LiveJournal. Ameba will be used for my Personal life, while LiveJournal will be giving updates on games that seem interesting or fun to play. Maybe once in awhile, I'll update my life in there too!
Oh, I told myself I was going to be updating my interests today. While I'm still into Anime, I rarely watch it now. While I'm into Manga, I rarely read it. I hate Naruto and Bleach, but love Yu-Gi-Oh!. I'm into the Shin Megami Tensei games, and I love the company that started it all: ATLUS. I write a lot of Fan-Fiction in my spare time, and I sketch once in awhile. I don't really like broadcasting or making videos anymore... I will be pointing my High School career towards Journalism & Photography. I'm going to be 14 years old in August, and I'm a female Gamer. I love Touhou Project, too. I'm known to act like a prick, or a douche. However, if you get to know me, you can tell I'm a pretty big Fangirl of Persona. In truth, I hate being alone or I hate feeling left out. Like this one time, I was helping a bit with the Trauma Team Role-play my friend was doing. However, I do not own a Wii or the Game.. I haven't even watched all the stories that are featured within said game... So, when they were talking about it I felt this weird feeling in my throat that made me wanna say something (even though it's online). So, then I felt something pouring down my cheeks.. and they were, if you guessed correctly, tears. I dunno why, I felt like I couldn't help at all anymore.. eventually stopped talking until my friend Shane came in. Told him everything, held myself up so I wouldn't break down and type at the same time. And.. I guess everything went okay on there. I don't know why I'm sappy like that.. I just am!
So, that's my update post. I hope to stick with you soon, and if you wanna visit my other blogs, I'll edit this post later so you can go visit the links!
~ Thanks,
Jennifer Jackson a.k.a Syphira.