Saturday, September 19, 2009

~Jenny's Unofficial Gaming Marathon Post~

1) WTF is this about?
This post contains my schedule of gaming for the week, since I can't really can't play during the weekdays, and if I can, it's usually ToonTown Online. This is created for Eighth Grade+ because of the work I'm piled with from now on. The games listed are subjected to change (alot) because of how I interest them. Console Gaming will not count here, as I can do that on my own time as well. I should also say that I can postpone weekends, too.

*Times are subjected to change due to homework.

~List of Games~

NTreevUSA's Trickster Online

OGPlanet's LaTale

NtreevSoft's Dinomachia *Logging on to keep KR Account*

NTreevUSA's Grand Chase

NexonJP's Mabinogi

NtreevUSA's PangYa


Saturday - 2009/12/?
Game -
Time -
Character -

Sunday - 2009/12/?
Game -
Time -
Character -

Monday - 2009/12/?
Game -
Time -
Character -

Tuesday - 2009/12/?
Game -
Time -
Character -

Wednesday - 2009/12/?
Game -
Time -
Character -

Thursday - 2009/12/?
Game -
Time -
Character -

Friday - 2009/12/?
Game -
Time -
Character -

Upcoming Maintenances:
Trickster Online



RRobert said...

Can I stalk you on Grand Chase :D ?
I has a Level 53 Ronan Elesis 49 and a Amy 39. PS this is me zxasde

Syphira said...

LOL. Go ahead, I dun mind.

KunuoiChi said...

What's Badgerdog? o.o