~Jenny's Blog of Game Information~
What is PROJECT miraLOID?
Project miraLOID consists of my friends and I singing, but the pictures I color resemble us as VOCALOIDs. Each singer consists of the program 'Skype' and a Microphone(Automatically Installed/Plugin). Each singer will be rated by pitch. Like VOCALOIDs, the singing is not always perfect, so don't be all sad if the singing turns out bad, as each miraLOID will have a weakness and strong point. For now, there are only two miraLOIDs, and hopefully we'll have more in the future.
What are miraLOIDs?
MiraLOIDs are fan-made VOCALOIDs using human voices started by Jennifer Jackson(ToonTownCat) and Elexis Blash(ChiiiRaven). While they are the only two in the group so far, they match up to balance voices, and are currently recruiting. The word "miraLOID" comes from the word "mira-" and "VOCALOID". VOCALOIDs are a singing synthesizer application, while the word "mira-" can be romanized as "mirror". The miraLOIDs usually mimic any song, but can never seem to make up their own song.
Who are the miraLOIDs?
Name - Syphira Hatake (畑家 サイフィラ;Hatake Saifira)
Age - 12
Colors - Blue and Black
Character Item - Wand
Voice Actor - Jennifer Jackson(ToonTownCat)
Strong Points - Low Notes, Timing, Slow Songs, Speedy songs
Weak Points - High Notes, Remixes, Rap.
Languages - Japanese, English
First Appearence - Toeto
Description - Syphira Hatake is the leader of the miraLOIDs and is often persistent when it comes to singing. Being a young VOCALOID in the group, she can support various beats for a few minutes, and pairs well with Uzuaki.
- Syphira usually takes on the look of KAITO or Hatsune Miku, however in the song "Toeto" she takes on Luka's look. Her most common look is Miku.
- When Syphira takes on KAITOs look, many(Especially Uzuaki) tease her by calling her 'Flat Chested'. Though, she was really supposed to model KAIKO, but when taking on her look, she failed.
- Syphira has black hair, and blue clothing, with the exception of "Toeto".
- Syphira's "Miku" look, makes her look like the Fan-Made vocaloid "Zatsune Miku"
Name - Uzuaki Haruka (遥か ウズアキ; Haruka Uzuaki)
Age - 11
Colors - Brown and Green
Character Item - Pudding
Voice Actor - Elexis Blash(ChiiiRaven)
Strong Points - Low Notes, Melody, Slow Songs
Weak Points - High Notes, Speed, Remixes, Rap.
Languages - Japanese, English
First Appearence - Toeto
Description - Uzuaki Haruka is Syphira's sister. She is the co-leader of the miraLOIDs and often messes up when singing with Syphira. She attempts to sing alone most of the times, and when dueting with Jenny, usually takes over small parts with Jen as the leader.
- Uzuaki takes the look of Gakuko or MEIKO. She only appeared with a Luka look during "Toeto".
- Uzuaki is often quiet whenever singing with Syphira, as either Syphira's voice overlaps or she is just a soft singer.
- Uzuaki has Brown-ish hair with Green clothing.
Coming soon...
「Singing comes from your heart, no matter what. If you're singing for greed, then you shall sound like a broken record...」
I think, my favorite game franchise besides Ape Escape & Klonoa would be the Tales of- Series. Especially with the fact that they have an epic battle system to go along with it. The party system, epic voice acting (even in English), and the fact that it can keep you occupied for quite awhile. My favorite games of the series might be the best known ones: Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss. I only like some music out of Tales of Legendia, but I've never really seen gameplay of it. I'll be asking for ToS for my birthday, and possibly ToA. ToA again, because my friend like, broke my CD for it Q_Q;;
Skipping to Kara no Kyoukai. Why?
Sketchbook has become a major pain in the butt for me. Especially the fact, that I can't find any episodes to download without hesitation! Some require memberships, others say I'm limited, and when I finally download it, it shuts off on me, and goes back to the beginning! Time for Kara no Kyoukai.
Picture by PangYaJP member.
For awhile, I used an account on OGPlanet with the IGN of 'PrincessAthena'. However, it was always being used, so people could be kicked off at any given time. Most of them were looking for stuff to steal off the account. Now that it is May, and PangYa is successfully onto NTreev, I had no choice, but to take the account for safe-keeping, hopefully having the owner return to it. This morning, I decided to check Gaia, and recieved a message from a member on my profile. She asked if I played Athena, and I truthfully said "Yes." We talked for a bit, and I found out that she was the original owner, I've given her back the account, and now we may be able to play together sometimes. I'm happy to give her back the account, as it wasn't really mine in the first place.
It looks like I've reunited someone, like if I was reuniting friends.
And for those who are wondering, I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm not crying. I'm pretty glad, and I feel better inside. Believe me~
The Klonoa game that did not make it to America, Klonoa Heroes: The Legendary Star Heroes! I plan on using my Visual Boy Advance to create a walkthrough for the game. Please enjoy, as these will be videos placed onto YouTube!
I've returned to PangYa for the fact that I am looking for all my friends there again. I know, I've seen about 25 hackers and counting, but I know the GMs are taking care of it as well. I'm also glad about the World Tour event. You remember me posting something about Updating PangYa, correct? I'm kind of glad, though. All my Moogler friends AND my old friends have greeted me. Though, I'm still looking for my old friends like 'Levanah' or so. But, for hackers that try to ruin the parade, flame me, bash me, destroy the game. NTreev is NOT as dumb as OGPlanet. They will take you down and call you out.
While waiting for Episode 7/Kali's Implement into jLunia, Nexon decided to host a "Create a title" Contest.
Apperently, due to my horrible translation.
Top 1 - Once the Title is Implemented, it is yours as well, and some costume clothing.
Top 1 - Title will be Implemented and you get a box of stars (Quantity of 3)
Top 3 - The title will be implemented.
So either way, the Top 3 get their title implemented.
I'll figure it out once I get a correct translation.
I've entered this contest with "Burumingu Hi-ro-(ブルミングヒーロー)" AKA Blooming Hero.
'scuse the lazy editing, but I've finally completed the ToraDora series! The series got really dramatic after Episode 16, and I liked Opening #2. I would spoil it, but I don't really like have anime spoilers on my blog, but I think you should know what anime is next!
That's right! Sketchbook time! Sketchbook consists of 13 different episodes, and if I divide that correctly, one of the newer OPs may come at around episode 2,5,or 7. After all that Luna Online, I think I deserve an Anime Break =P.
So yeah, I was playing Luna Online again today. The other day, I advanced to Ruffian, and today I got my angel wings. However, I love how the community will randomly buff you, so you can already engage in combat quite easily. It's usually the Mage Classes, and sometimes the Fighter Classes. Maybe tomorrow or later on today, I'll finish up these god forsaken quests that have been biting me ever since 7:30am in the morning @_@;;
I have finally lost interest in this game. And it had to be before summer break too...Anyways, TalesRunner will be dropped from the update list, and I will also update the "Links to visit" part of the blog. I also need to catch up on my korean games (Trickster & PangYa), and I'm also in the mood to play Test ToonTown some more, as I haven't played it in forever.
So for now...Goodbye, TalesRunner.
I'm pretty sure everyone has seen my last post on my most favorite villian o_o. Ape Escape and another game have been my favorite childhood games. Can you guess what?
YES! Klonoa! I HATE how they changed his cutesy little voice though ;o;.
Stepping Wind xD;;
Yep, playing Luna Online again. I'm also playing with Firest on this game. IGN for me is Syphira, and I hope to see you on X3
More Info: http://www.trickster.jp/trickster/update/individual/sphere/index.html
Music: http://www.imeem.com/insel/music/bR_np6m2/sphere-treasures/
--Trickster Online Team
By the way, I'm back onto GC, so I'll be posting it's patch notes in a few. <2
I JUST got home, and found out that I had won something. I'm like "What?" at my parents in bewilderment, because of what they said. There's a form shown below:
(Text says: Winner #9, and my name...and the product code and stuff like that.)
(There were 70 winners btw.)
Well my rant about OGPlanet is still how I feel, but I'm glad I can get on LaTale without so much lag again. I found out that MSN kept screwing up the game, and when I shut it off everything turned to normal. I really wanted to go back to LaTale, and now I'm back guys! X3